Submit a request

Before you submit your request, please familiarize yourself with the different licensing request types

Arrangement: Creation of a new version of an existing arrangement

Sub-Out: Selling your original arrangement of an existing composition.

Print: Selling your original arrangement of an existing composition.

Mechanical: An audio recording of a composition on a CD, digital download, or streaming format.

Synchronization: An audiovisual recording of a composition on a DVD, digital download, or streaming format.

Performance: Public performance of copyrighted material.

Photocopy: Requests to make photocopies of compositions that are no longer in print. Not for festival/adjudication copies.

Name of the person submitting this request

Please select the region for your request

Please select the type of license you are requesting

Include a list of all song titles and composers on separate lines (E.g., Over the Rainbow - Arlen and Harburg)

Please provide the complete copyright information as shown on the first page of the original material about which you are requesting permission. If you do not have it, please put NA.


Name of the ensemble or school performing this arrangement

Name of the person arranging the composition

Please provide the name and email address of the individual who will be signing the agreement.

E.g., marching band, show choir, barber shop, etc.

Format (Streaming, Digital, DVD/CD)

It is mandatory that we have the number of copies you are seeking clearance to distribute over the term of the license agreement.

**Please note that company policy prohibits us from issuing any license for unsecure digital media

Any additional comments necessary to explain the purpose of the request and the intended use of our material

E.g., Trumpet 1 - 2 copies, Trombone - 1 copy, etc.

Product Title

Admission Cost

Date(s) of Performance

Total Number of Performances

Size of venue (number of seats):


Estimated Date of Publication

Title of the publication where the material will appear

Please add any comments necessary to explain the purpose of the request and the intended use for our material.

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